Get information on the land the around you. Find, access and manage land, either for a new project or your next one.
Ever wondered who owns the derelict land you run past each day, what’s happening to the playing fields next door, or if that plot is suitable for growing food?
With Land Explorer you can find suitable sites for your project and provide insight or evidence for your community-based development.
Get information on the land the around you. Find, access and manage land, either for a new project or your next one.
Ever wondered who owns the derelict land you run past each day, what’s happening to the playing fields next door, or if that plot is suitable for growing food?
With Land Explorer you can find suitable sites for your project and provide insight or evidence for your community-based development.
Get information on the land the around you. Find, access and manage land, either for a new project or your next one.
Ever wondered who owns the derelict land you run past each day, what’s happening to the playing fields next door, or if that plot is suitable for growing food?
With Land Explorer you can find suitable sites for your project and provide insight or evidence for your community-based development.
Land explorer is an invaluable tool helping our members to quickly research what land can be used in their community for projects that create community energy resilience.
Land Explorer is a go to tool for Oxfordshire Community Land Trust, when looking at prospective sites.
By putting this information in one place and simplifying access, it makes the process much easier, whilst removing significant barriers for groups wishing to plan their neighborhood.
Homes built by the community, for the community, designed to meet your local needs.
Usually developed by or in partnership with your community organisation, your local community organisation owns, manages or stewards the homes in a manor of your choosing.
Land Explorer allows you to view ownership and see Public Land for sale to identify potential sites.
From worker co-ops to community land trusts and free and open source software projects (like Land Explorer) – these initiatives share common values that are about improving the lives and livelihoods of people and our planet.
It’s time to focus on changing our system to one that is sustainable, transformative, and meets the needs of our communities. Need to find a site for your co-working space? Want to build a better future?
Land Explorer is working with organisations like Solidarity Economy Association to map initiatives and visualise connections. Another economy is not just possible: it’s already happening.
So it’s important we have spaces in which to play, have fun and exercise. Access and use of open spaces contributes both to the physical and mental wellbeing of our community.
The way we manage our parks, waterways, woodlands and green spaces is changing. With organisations that have historically managed them facing substantial cuts. At the same time there is a growing demand from communities for access to land, and an increasing recognition of the important benefits it provides.
Land Explorer can display Ordnance Survey Green Spaces for the Public Sector, shows detailed topography for community groups and is working on tools for natural capital accounting and evidence bases to support better decision making around our green spaces.
By placing democratic control, shared benefits and active participation at the centre of project delivery, community energy can create a foundation for the significant infrastructural and cultural changes we need to reduce the impact of climate change and increase our energy security.
Land Explorer supports the investigation of suitable sites and in future will help with mapping our energy generation, storage and distribution needs.
As a design process permaculture helps design intelligent systems which meet human needs whilst enhancing biodiversity, reducing our impact on the planet, and creating a fairer world for us all.
Ecological land-based businesses help rural regeneration; farming, forestry and other enterprises that support our community needs.
Land Explorer can help you find your small plot, or large farm, for rural, suburban and urban agriculture.
A blog by Guy Shrubsole & Anna Powell-Smith
Read more about “Who owns England?” One of the most closely-guarded secrets in the thousand-year-old history of our country. Who owns our country, matters. It matters because land is a finite resource and because ownership of it often confers wealth, power and influence. As Mark Twain put it, “they aren’t making it any more”.
It matters because those who own land get to choose how it’s used and that has big implications for almost everything: where we build our homes, how we grow our food, how we protect ourselves from flooding, how much space we set aside for wildlife – this is all hugely affected by who owns England.
We support the development of new models of managing land that are sustainable and productive, create livelihoods, enhance the environment, and involve local people in making decisions about the places they care about.
By providing practical advice, support and training to landowners and communities who want to manage land as a sustainable and productive asset, we encourage an environment where common good land use can flourish.
We feed learning from this and all our other work into advocacy, campaigning, and new innovations like our Land Explorer software.
Digital Commons is a multi-stakeholder coop, with the aim of developing and promoting new models of data stewardship.